
26 julio 2007

La hermana de Britney, Jamie Lynn Spears de 16 años, estaría embarazada

Según la noticia del National Enquirer (ver foto de la portada), Jamie Lynn, la hermana menor de Britney Spears y que además tienen sólo 16 años, estaría embarazada. Sé que el National Enquirer es muy sensacionalista, pero ha acertado en muchas de sus aparentes noticias inventadas.

Más adelante veremos si tuvieron razón o no.

ACTUALIZACION 18 DICIEMBRE 2007: Jamie Lynn Spears está embarazada


hi i'm kim hart.
i wanna say that britney is the best person that i ever met.she is amazing.
and now she need your help so please. help her .
for her family. she need us.

Oh, wow...I guess Britney is a very nice person; although i've never met her but i've always admired her persistance and way of singing. She's really cool, despite what other people say.
I'm worried about her lately because of her 'crazyness' status; she's in really bad shape, i feel sorry for her. I wish I could help.

How shall I help?

jamie embarazada..seguira el mismo camino que su hermana...hacia de niñita buena,pero luego se hara drogadista y sera super tonta igual que su hermana britney...pero..como a los 16 años embarazada!!1 es que es tonta!!!

estupida de arriba no te pongas a juzgar a la gente por que ni tu ni nadie sabe lo que estan pasando...I like britney and Jamie a lot. So what if is going through depresion don't judge her help her.HELP HER GET HER LIFE BACK TO GET TOGETHER.I support her.DON'T JUDGE SOMEONE IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEM AND EVEN IF YOU DO DON'T JUGDE IT'S NOT THE WAY UNLESS IT'S P.BUSH...

sincerly <~.:Marelys:.~>

hmm i`m so so so sorry jamie


I like britney and jamie a lot,and I think they are great..estoy de acuerdo con la persona q este dos lugares arriba can´t judge someone without knowing the person,donñt6 even do it without knowing the whloe story....
jamie i support you!
